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Introduction to SadSumo Studios

Who we are#

We are a diverse team of developers that care about the quality of our work and its impact to all people of every race, gender, religion, age, nationality. We seek to build a team that represents all people. But also we care about the quality of our lives. We strive to be the best developers to our clients, but also the best fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and members of our communities. We balance our work with our life.

who or what is SadSumo anyway?#

This is SadSumo. I found this graffiti while walking a trail close to my home. I would pass by it frequently and the term 'SadSumo' kept leaping into my mind each time I saw it. The name felt like a good name for a domain, and the idea of was born. I purchased the domain, and for sevearl years that image was all that you found at that domain. When the idea of starting a fullstack web/mobile consultancy came up I suggested the name. The team accepted it. chin up! Why are you so sad, SadSumo?
