Mission Statement“Diverse Team of Developers banding together to solve issues affecting all people groups, and dictating the terms of our own lives.”
I can snap a twig very easily but I cannot do the same to a bundle of twigs bound together. That is our strength! By banding together and adhering to a set of principles, we can rely on each other’s strength and in the end, we will be worth more as a whole than the sum of our parts. Think about that, but not merely in financial terms. If you calculate the wealth we could make individually and compare it to the wealth we can generate together, we would have more wealth and strength as a team.
Becoming RICHSadSumo developers seek to become 'RICH'. How we define rich is not simply as financial wealth, but as a state of mind.
RICH stands for:
- For yourself and others.
- Even and especially when no one is looking.
- Knowledge is power, and you should communicate it to others and receive it from others frequently.
- But not self-deprecating. Awareness of your self worth without the need to advertise it or take light from others in order for you to shine. Strength is not something given to us, it comes from within.
Additionally, If you cannot answer the question "What is your passion?" You are behind, but we can help you catch up. If you can humbly say that you want and need the help, will accept support and guidance, and in turn give the same when you can, then you are in good company and ready to take the next step towards living your passion and finding your real purpose alonside us.
You cannot achieve your dreams if you are not completely aware of what your passion is. Break it down to a mission statement and make your plans revolve around that sentence.
Our mission statement above is as well my own. Most everything i do is to strengthen that truth in my life. That is the example we strive to set and the standard we demand.
Tips for success- Each new developer is encouraged to support other developers in their endeavors. Opportunity only knocks once, but a variety of opportunities are continuously knocking on your door. Until now you have only looked out for those that have suited your needs. Imagine if you started broadening your awareness of opportunity. Imagine if you looked out for the needs and interests of all of your team and they in turn did the same for you.
- Each new developer is encouraged to identify their Source and is encouraged to celebrate that Source once a day, out of respect and gratitude. We are not only promoting religion, but faith and motivation. Your source may be a higher power or it may be your spouse and children. Your Source is where you draw your strength and that which drives and motivates you. We each respect and recognize our own Source individually and in our own way. SadSumo asks that you spend time daily meditating on that Source and carefully linking your efforts to your driving force and in turn your passion.
- Each developer is encouraged to be charitable in all interactions with others. This will come back to you tenfold. Maybe 12.
- Share your victories with team members often, for encouragement. We are your support. We are your biggest fan and we will NEVER tire of hearing of your victories, challenges and lessons learned.