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SadSumo is an NFT

Dan Arroyo

Dan Arroyo

Lead Developer

Yes, you heard that correctly! I have created an NFT using the image of sadsumo and it is available viewing on

It is not for sale just yet. I want to understand fully the implications of selling as an NFT, and I do not want to lose the rights to have it and use it for my domain. But for now, it is an actual NFT.

Set Up a dev environment in Linux!

Dan Arroyo

Dan Arroyo

Lead Developer

I am excited to announce that this blog is being updated from a Linux Dev environment. I completed the set up today. I am using Ubuntu LTS. My rig is an i7 that I had laying around and was able to put a 1TB HDD with 8GB of RAM. I prefer Linux because of apt, what a pleasure it was installing all of the tools from the command line and simply deploying the environment. Also look how simple the command to deploy the site is in Linux:

command to deploy in Linux

6-7-2021 - update: after using the above command I got an email from GiHub announcing that using passwords in CLI will be deprecated. So I now use the command:

command to deploy in Linux
GIT_USER=<YOUR GITHUB USER ID> GIT_PASS=<Personal Access Token> yarn deploy

Follow these instructions to generate a -> Personal Access Token

The next step will be to document how to set up a Linux dev machine and add that documentation to the document section of this site.

configured gh-pages!

Dan Arroyo

Dan Arroyo

Lead Developer

I have set up this blog in the SadSumo GitHub pages. It was pretty straight forward. There were only a couple of gotchas.

  • Put a file called CNAME with the custom domain you want to use in the static folder of the project. "Anything within the static directory will be copied to the root of the build directory for deployment."
  • I ended up putting all of the code in the master branch and main is blank. Then in the repository's settings in Pages I set the page to be built from the master branch.
  • The master branch only contains the build after running:
command to deploy in Windows
cmd /C 'set "GIT_USER=MY_GIT_USERNAME" && yarn deploy'

First Blog!

Dan Arroyo

Dan Arroyo

Lead Developer

I am so excited to start a blog for SadSumo Studios. I plan to document what I learn in this blog. I hope also it is useful for others who encounter some of the same problems I have.

I am using Docusaurus for several reasons:

  • The Documents feature will be used in the future to place documentation for any solutions we develop.
  • There seems to be a lot of support from an active community.
  • It seems to seemlessly integrate with GitHub so I will be able to easily maintain the site in GitHub Pages.